ACS DOC Organic Chemistry Data

Schlenk Line Survival Guide

The Safety Net

Safety Checklist


U of M Occupational Safety

U of M SOPs and Chemical Hygiene Plan

Dow Safety Academy

Bretherick's Handbook

Prudent Practices in the Lab

NIOSH Pocket Guide

C&E News Safety Letters

C&E News Safety Zone Blog


How to Write a Paper

MALDI Recipes Site (NIST)

Asking for Recommendation Letters

Not Voodoo [practical advice for working in a lab]

How to Contact Professors for a Research Position [undergrads]

Site: Undergrad in the Lab

Writing a Conference Abstract

Preparing Conference Posters


McNeil Mentoring Handbook

"10 Simple Rules" for Developing a Mentoring Document

Student/Postdoc Self-Evaluation

Establishing a Good Mentor/Mentee Relationship

HHMI Mentoring Course

McNeil Group Manual